Monday 31 January 2011

Don't Stop Believing...

I sort of, kind of, liked the first season of Glee, in a way. It had fresh(ish) spins on cliched characters, the story-lines were engaging enough, the songs zipped along. Although I'm not sure anyone will thank them for ruining the last scene of The Sopranos, by killing Don't Stop Believing. Also I quite liked the Dennis Potteresque way, the songs bled into the main story. And it had one of the best, acerbic characters on the box in Sue Sylvester, the gym teacher from hell. But then again, I suppose most of them come from there anyway.

Keeping all that in mind, I summoned up the energy to watch season two. And it has proved to be, thus far, a bit of a damp squib. Yes, and that includes the Brittany one. The latest episode saw Kurt's dad have a heart attack and end up in some sort of coma. You know, the convenient TV type. That prompted all the characters to question their faith. Is there a God and how can he let such things happen? This is weighty subject matter. But seeing how Glee is as deep as the shallow end of a paddling pool, we got our answers from renditions of R.E.M.'s Losing My Religion and Joan Osborne's One of Us.

That is another gripe I have about this season. It seems to be song after song. Every sentence seems to be the cue for another tune. This is not helped by the fact that Rachel makes everything she sings sound like it comes from Beauty and the Beast. Even Sue Sylvester seems to have been sidelined a little. There's no room for her in the machine gun barrage of songs flying at us. Songs that are no doubt being downloaded in their truckloads. How depressing it all is. No hang on, it will get better. Glee will improve as the season progresses. Don't stop believing. Wait, don't stop believing, I feel a song coming on!


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