Monday 17 September 2012

Awkward changes!

I am going to sound even more shallow, and twee, than I normally, but do don't you think Ashley Rickards sudden weight gain has thrown the second season of Awkward into confusion? 

I spent a lot of the episode wondering what's the cause. The vast majority of us are well trained TV viewers, so we can spot the hidden pregnancy (Daphne in Frasier anyone?) in a flash but there seemed none of the coats in front of the stomach, or filming from the chest up. The situation is not helped by the, flimsy, ploy of Lacey, Jenna's mother, cooking Jenna all her favourite meals to compensate for sending 'the letter'. It seems to shine a light on the problem, not explain it away. It is having the same effect, as if a new actress was playing the role. And I'm no stranger to that, I used to watch Sunset Beach, where you were lucky if the same actor was in the same part two episodes in a row. 

OK I know they are all getting older, we take that as a given. Much like the joke in Episodes, where the kids in Pucks were in their thirties, with multiple marriages under their belts. Add to the problem mean girl Sadie has suddenly lost a lot of weight and we are through the looking glass here people. Perhaps that will be a later story line, Sadie has paid for a machine that transfers your weight to those of your enemies. This is Awkward, and that wouldn't be the most far fetched scenario they have come up with.

Despite how pithy I sound, I am not having a go at Ashley Richards, it is just simple folk, like me, don't take to change, we need consistency and a smooth transition from one season to another. I'm sure I'll come to to terms with it all and get back to enjoying the light, fluffy, easy going-ness of Awkward.


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