Thursday 31 March 2011

The Killing - Revisited.

A fair few weeks back I raved about the first few episodes of the Danish crime thriller The Killing. But wondered if it could keep up the quality and suspense over twenty instalments. Well I needn't have worried. If anything it got better and better. This was magnificent television. I won't give anything away because, if The Killing gets a repeat, and it should, it's a perfect fit for BBC 2, you should watch it. I promise you, you will be gripped by it.

But it's sad to see Danish television do something we can't. There's no way a British station could mount something so contemporary and epic. As we all know most British shows start to fade after three episodes. Mad Dogs anyone? Plus there is no way a British company would attempt twenty hours of television without James Nesbitt. You could imagine the pitch.

"It's called The Killing. It's a twenty part thriller. Our main character is DCI Sarah Lund."
"A woman? "
"Well, yes. "
"Couldn't we make it a man, and couldn't that man be James Nesbitt? "
"Well, err- "
"James Nesbitt. James...Nesbitt. Sounds good doesn't it. "

BBC 4 teased us with the trailer for The Killing II. I got all excited at the prospect of more Sarah Lund and her penchant for knitted jumpers. But the spectre of sequels past descended. Would it be the wet fish that was Prime Suspect 2 was? Or the damp squib of the second season of Murder One? I can't believe it will. I doubt it will beat The Killing, but if it's half as good, it will still be the best thing on the BBC, Nurse Jackie excluded, by a very long, long way.


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