Monday 11 April 2011

The Home and Away Universe - The Stewart Conundrum

As you all know the first part of the Home and Away action mini series, The Stewart Conundrum, has aired. Ignore those critics that said it turned Alf Stewart into Jack Bauer. This is what happened.

The show opened with Alf Stewart hanging from a tall building by just his finger tips. Standing above him, a shady is about to stamp down on his hand.

"You flamin' galar!" Alf yells as the foot comes down.

Cut to a screen that reads: One week earlier.

As we know from the epic Home and Away cross over. Alf has gone in search of his sister Celia, after she was threatened by Mangrove River crime boss Josh Flamin' West. Alf goes to the last place Celia was heard from. Deep in Central Africa. But when the local officials say they don't know who she is, Alf is a picture of restraint.
"What'd you mean you've never flamin' heard of her. Celia, she's a little Sheila. She's been doin' missionary work here for donkey's years"

But the local officials are adamant, Celia has never been there. Just as Alf is about to really lose it. Someone shouts his name. He turns around to see Sally standing there. Shocked and surprised he hugs her.

"Sal! What are you doing here?"
"But Mr. Stewart, I got a telegram telling me to meet you here. You said it was life or death."
Shocked, Alf tells Sally the whole Josh Flamin' West story. And they realise the pair of them have been lured to this inhospitable place. But by who, and why? Alf phones Morag to tell her of developments. But she has shock news.
"It can't be Josh West behind all this Alfred. He was found dead in his cell this morning"
"Is he really flamin' dead?"
"Yes, this time, I saw him with my own eyes" Morag replies. "Be careful Alfred we don't know who is really behind all this. But we do know you and Sally are in grave danger! Rest assured I will start digging at this end"

As Alf and Sally leave the local offices, they are approached by a well dressed man.
"Mr. Stewart? Celia has sent me, she is in hiding. Powerful people are after her. Come quickly"
"Now wait a minute"
But before Alf can say anything more, gunshots ring out, just missing them.

"Come, quickly!" the stranger yells beckoning them into his jeep. With shots pinging everywhere Alf and Sally jump in.
"If I get me hands on those flamin' galars!" Alf shouts as they speed away. "Now what exactly is going on here mate?"
"All will be explained, when we get to Celia" the stranger smiles. "But at the moment, we have a couple of more pressing problems"
"What are they?" Sally enquires.
"We are being followed and it appears our brakes have been tampered with"
"Hogan's ghost!"
"My thoughts exactly" replies the well dressed stranger.

To be continued.

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