Friday, 24 June 2011

Glee Graduation

The second season of Glee has only just finished but already us Glee fans are worrying about the beginning of season 4. In case you haven’t heard, series creator Ryan Murphy has stated that at the end of the next season the current cast of Glee will all graduate high school. This of course means that our current cast favourites such as Rachel, Britney, Artie and Mike Chang will be leaving McKinley high, Mr Schue and of course the Glee Club.

Murphy’s exact words were "This next [season] will be their senior year, and then that [they] will graduate”. "We didn't want to have a show where they were in high school for eight years. We really wanted to be true to that experience."

So there you go… But where exactly does this leave us Glee fans? Well, at the moment it looks like we could be in a ‘Skins’ situation; a different cast every two years. Which as Skins has shown can sometimes work a treat one year and fail miserably the next. Put it this way, it’s a gamble.

It also begs the question what makes this show great? Is it the Glee club or is it the actual characters? I’ve given it some thought and I really think it’s the characters. I can’t see Glee working without Rachel, Finn, Kurt and Mercedes. Yes it’s a good show but these characters make it a great show. Which means Ryan Murphy is either going to have to go back on his word or the show is going to have to evolve. We aren’t going to be able to spend every scene in the choir room or the auditorium. If Murphy is intent on having these characters graduate we are going to have to follow them on there journey. Whether It’s Broadway with Rachel or Lima Heights with Santana.

I’m not worrying too much though. Under no circumstances can I see Fox sacking the hottest actors on TV. I also can’t see the hottest actors on TV wanting to leave the most successful show on TV. Chris Colfer has already won a Golden Globe for his portrayal of Kurt and the nominations and awards wont stop there for him or the rest of the cast.

Yes the silver screen is the future for the majority of this cast but not yet. Glee is THE show to be on and that’s not going to change in the next year regardless of whether Ryan Murphy wants it too.

UPDATE: It seems Ryan Murphy is backtracking already saying 'some of the cast may graduate' claiming that characters like Sam and Blaine won't be graduating. Hmm it's like their making it up as they go along! I'll update when I have more information.

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