Monday, 6 June 2011

Going Mentalist

If there was ever a show screaming for a spin off it must be The Mentalist. Not because it is great, or anything, it passes an hour harmlessly enough. No, it needs a spin off so we can see what happens to all the CBI's flimsy convictions. Let's be honest, how many of Patrick Jane's crazy convictions would actually see a jury. Last week he caught the killer by putting hydrangeas on a concert stage. Which immediately garnered an ' I did it '. Most of the time, all they need to do is retract their confession and cry entrapment. There is never any DNA, or physical evidence, just Patrick's tricks. Anyone who has seen at least one season of Law and Order would probably get them off.

"Is there any physical evidence? "
"No your honour. "
"DNA? "
"No your honour. "
"Just hydrangeas? "
"Yes your honour. "
"Next case! "

So the spin off would centre around the CBI's legal department. The CBI is a made up organisation, so why not bung a legal team on them. It could be called Going Mentalist. Each episode they could grapple with the wafer thin, circumstantial, evidence Lisbon and her team serve up. Why not go the whole hog and more, or less, replicate the shows characters. Quirky, off the wall, consultant, uptight lead prosecutor, stoic Asian American prosecutor, likable lunk prosecutor, and statuesque beauty prosecutor. You could always throw in a little of the Red John story line that has run from the very first episode of the Mentalist, just to add a little seriousness to an otherwise run of the mill show. I think in Going Mentalist, we have a winner on our hands. Can't wait for the first season.


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