Monday 26 September 2011

The Death of Charlie Harper... And Two And A Half Men

The more I think about it, the less I enjoyed the season opener of Two and a Half Men. After watching it I thought it was relatively funny. But as the week's gone on the less I think I enjoyed it.

If you think about it all the best jokes of the episode were in the first half and everyone of those jokes were about Charlie's death. There wasn't a line that made me laugh which wasn't about Charlie. I also thought the funeral was an appalling attempt which reeked of bitterness. I thought Chelsea and Mia being nasty about Charlie dying was completely out of character for them considering they both loved him and were sad when they broke up. Also Alan, Jake and Evelyn didn't even look like they cared that he was dead! It seemed that Chuck Lorre had written what what he hoped, Charlie Sheen's funeral would be like, not Charlie Harper's which was a massive mistake. As viewers we all knew that even though Charlie Harper was a womanising drunk, he was a womanising drunk who loved his brother, nephew and Mum and that wasn't what it seemed like in this new episode. He even left Alan the house which no one was expecting!

The only impact Ashton Kutcher had in the second half, was the headache the audience gave me when they behaved like wild banshees when he appeared on the screen. I mean come on! When was Ashton Kutcher that big of a star. His past credits include, That 70's show and Punked! Oh and another note, when did 'I'm not cleaning him up' become a catchphrase!? Berta cracking that joke about Charlie's ashes really was 2.5 men's 'is he avin a laff' moment. And it was depressing.

It also seems that we're all going to have to sit back and pretend we don't remember Judy Greer playing Herbs sister way back in season 4, as they don't intend on having her play the same character. I hate it when executives/producers think we won't remember a character that's been in the show before. We're TV viewers not dumb schmucks. That's also why the Dharma and Gregg cameo didn't work because Dharma had made an appearance years earlier as Alan's girlfriend.

And one more thing, I know it's been said before, but it doesn't matter how pathetic you are, you do not buy a house and let the former owners live there and employ their cleaner! Surely their had to be a more intelligent way to introduce Ashton then this nonsense! Sadly the answer that that question is no as it seems any slightly realistic storyline that could have been used has been completely ignored, which is a shame because 2.5 men used to be an intelligent show. Now, based on the first episode of season 9, it looks like a cheap spin off.

So I guess what I'm saying is that 2.5 men has officially jumped the shark and thats only on the basis of the first episode. I don't hold out much for episode 2.



I thought Comedy Central's latest roast was called The Roast Of Charlie Sheen, not The Roast Of Mike Tyson.


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