Wednesday 14 September 2011

An Open Letter to Chuck Lorre

Dear Chuck Lorre,

I’m not sure if you’ve been reading this blog lately, something tells me you probably haven’t. Which means you won’t know that since June I’ve been watching Two and a Half Men men on DVD. Unfortunately last week saw me come to the end of season 8. It was a long but thoroughly enjoyable process and I want to thank you and all involved for making my summer viewing so much fun. I have to say, I loved every season and funnily enough, despite its known controversies, I thought season 8 featured some of the funniest episodes so far. And I know i'm probably alone here but I really liked season 7 and the character of Chelsea! Yes it wasn't the strongest season but I enjoyed it. So I would like to take this opportunity to say, so far, Job Well Done.

Now onto more pressing matters.... I know it’s old ground but we really have to talk about Charlie Sheen. I've got to say, I think it was an epic mistake firing him. Clearly he (and I know this is underplaying it) has a problem with drugs and at the end of season 8 (especially the final 3 episodes) it was obvious to see that he was strung out. I'm sure at the time he must've been a nightmare to work with and I know, at the time, he said some awful things about everyone on set. It was unacceptable that he called you and Jon Cryer trolls. However all addicts need help and support and you didn't give it to him.

Considering how long you must've known Charlie, would it have not been more prudent, to suffer his insults (clearly it was The Crack talking) and help get him into a program? Perhaps you could have used it as material for season 9 - Charlie Harper fresh out of rehab. It could have worked, in fact I’m pretty sure it would have been great! Alas, you decided this wasn't the path you wanted to go down and now Charlie Harper is presumed dead (we’ll know for sure next week) and we're stuck with Ashton Kutcher.

However, despite the fact I’m not happy Charlie Sheen isn’t in 2.5 men any more, I do trust you and I trust your judgment. I know that for the past 8 years, it hasn’t been Charlie Sheen writing the episodes, I’m aware he only reads the lines. I also know that although Charlie Harper was the main character he probably wasn’t the funniest one anymore (the role of funniest character now goes to Alan) I’m also aware that over the past 2 months of watching 2.5 men I haven’t seen one episode, which hasn’t made me laugh. Well except for that episode with Sean Penn and Harry Dean Stanton! Seriously what were you all thinking when you wrote that? I’ve also read that Ashton Kutcher’s character will be divorcing Herbs sister. That’s good! I loved the character of Herbs sister all those seasons ago and I love Herb. You need to use this as a reason to have Herb in more episodes!

So basically, whilst I’m unhappy about what's happened, I believe in the 2.5 men crew. I have faith that you will make the new changes work and still be funny... well I trust you will make season 9 funny. If we get a season 10 I have my concerns about how the show will progress, but I suppose we should get the next 24 episodes out the way first. Although If I were to have one request, it would be to see Alan get remarried. I mean now Charlie’s no longer about, Alan can have a wife living in the house and it would be nice to see Alan happy, for a little while at least.

Yours Sincerely,

The TV Assassins.

P.S – One final thing I just wanted to check… You definitely fired Charlie because of his behavior right? You didn’t use his epic bender as an excuse to get rid of him and bring in someone cheaper to refresh the show, because you was worried after 9 seasons there wasn’t many more storylines involving alcohol and hookers Charlie Harper could be involved in did you? What am I saying!? Of course you didn’t! I’m just being paranoid…

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