Monday 7 November 2011

Strictly - Bonfire Special.

Sometimes I have to wonder why I write things. But I'm finding it very hard to say anything at all about Strictly. There was no theme this week, although the channel announcer called it a bonfire special. No bonfires, not that special.

This weeks trudge into the world of dance was notable for two things. Firstly, the absence of Len, which I felt took the One Foot In the Grave element out of the show. He was replaced by Jennifer Grey who was Baby, Ferris Beuller's sister, and... err, did I say she was Baby? Well the unrecognisable Jen brought nothing much to the show, but could you blame her. She was only in it for a week, so she wasn't going to slag anyone off. And you could tell she'd been given the Cliff notes on the celebs. I somehow don't think Russell's fame, as an astrologer, has crossed the Atlantic.

The second notable thing, about this weeks show, was we finally found out this years judges favourites, as if we didn't have our suspicions, it is obviously Chelsee and Harry. Chelsee gets over-marked and Harry gets overpraised nearly every week.

Yet again the high of the show was Russell Grant, this time giving us a Paso that wouldn't have looked out of place in Twin Peaks. But other than that I found it a tad dull.

The results show was like a narcoleptic nightmare, Westlife followed by Brucie giving us a song. Lulu was the one to exit this week and no one exactly cried. There didn't seem much chemistry between her and Brendon and even less when he was doing his customary drag the celeb around the floor.

The more Strictly goes on, the more I want Russell to win. Let's celebrate incompetence and near demented enthusiasm. Perhaps David Lynch could present him with the glitter-ball.


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