Wednesday 28 December 2011

The last taboo....

I’ve heard a rumour that the new series of Dexter contains incest between Deb and Dexter. Well I say ‘new’ I mean new to the UK as it’s already aired in America!

Anyway I digress.. I was shocked when I heard about the incest storyline. It seemed a little bizarre to me but it turns out its true, Deb and Dexter get it on. I found this out a couple of days after watching the penultimate episode of Boardwalk Empire, you know the one when Jimmy and his mother have sex… and it got me thinking, is incest the only thing that shocks us on TV these days?  

People being murdered (Dexter) having affairs (every show) the world ending (The Walking Dead) sex with gimps (American Horror Story) none of this bothers us anymore. But if my reaction of ‘that scene’ in Boardwalk is anything is to go by, it really is the last taboo. 

‘That scene’ you know the one, with Jimmy and his Mother (Gretchen Mol) well it repulsed me. I couldn’t stop thinking about it and feeling ‘eugh’ for a good few hours afterwards. I haven’t felt that way about a TV show for years (if ever) and it was horrible. I’ve definitely never felt like that when watching Dexter cut someone up, or watching Connie Britton having sex with a demon but this got me and maybe that’s why producers are starting to play the incest card more.

The team behind Dexter are claiming that the storyline was always going to happen but I’m not so sure. I have never had the impression that Deb loved Dexter in more of a brotherly way. We all know that Deb is a bit of a messed up character but she never that messed up and if I’m right the storyline doesn’t come up in the books. I’ll admit I’m interested to see how it pans out but I’m not expecting to be happy about it. Especially if it’s clear that the storyline has been thrown in for shock purposes.  

So if I were you I’d prepare for more incest on your TV. Once producers figure out it repulses us it will be everywhere, well until we are completely desensitized to it and it no longer bothers us.

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