Sunday 11 December 2011

Terra Nova - Dino Disappointment.

I don't mean to bang on about it, but the sheer disappointment levels I endure watching Terra Nova compel me to. 'Then just turn it off moron' you might think. But the vague hope that this is the week it all turns around, keeps me coming back. 

In this week's episode there were two glorious opportunities to turn the show darker, make it what we all hoped it would be. But no, in both cases we got twee and ridiculously sentimental. The first was the shock revelation that Skye was the Sixer (or is that The Others?) mole. I hope I haven't spoilt that for you but come on, there was only ever two suspects, Skye and that solider bloke who goes out with Maddy. So, here was an opportunity to make a likable character dark but what is the reason Skye is betraying her comrades? The Sixers have her sick, presumed dead, mother and they have the medicine to cure her. Oh boy, that's a new one haven't seen that in any show before. The second wasted opportunity saw sickly sweet (and that's saying something for Terra Nova) Zoe raising a baby Anklosauras. I had to look that up, sad but true. Well, when it was time to release the creature back into the wild, the whole Shannon family was there. And, wouldn't you know it, the adult Ankylosauras (had to use it more than once) was there to greet it and take it away, syrupy grins from assembled Shannon's. Now wouldn't it have been better if the adult had eaten the infant and tore it apart? We could have all said, 'Wow, didn't see that coming.' But it was happy endings  all around.

On an unrelated Terra Nova note, didn't Taylor have a woman second in command? This week Jim was put in charge when Taylor went bush, as he so likes to do. What happened to her? Did I doze off when she was written out? On the bright side, not many episodes left. I think the end of season cliff hanger will  see Lock move the island back in time and Sawyer kidnapped by The Others.


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