Friday 30 December 2011

Terra Nova... Nibbling Humble Pie

I'm not eating humble pie, although I might be nibbling at the crust, but the two part finale of Terra Nova was very good. In fact, it might be the best season finale of a show I've disliked ever. At its conclusion, I even half way, well sort of, thought I wouldn't mind a second season. 

OK, after I slapped myself around the face, I quickly came to my senses and remembered the saccharine sickly Shannon family of the previous, I want to say a hundred, because it felt that many, episodes. But, to their credit, they really did pull off quite a feat. This is how Terra Nova should have been all along.Urgent, exciting, and tense. And was it me, or did all the performances suddenly get better? Perhaps now that the cast finally had something meaty, instead of sweet and gooey, to sink their teeth into they upped their game. OK, they did slightly blot their copy book by introducing that figurehead from an old ship. That, smacked highly of Lost. 

If there is a second season, let us hope they learnt a lot from the last two episodes. But, if we never see Terra Nova again, at least it went out all guns blazing.


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