Thursday 12 January 2012

Mid Season Breaks.... A gift or a curse?

I must admit, I'm struggling coming to terms with the mid season break. I'm just not used to them. To the vast majority of us they are an alien concept. I mean, back in the old days, did Dallas and Dynasty just drop off our screens for five weeks?  We might have hoped they would, but they never did. But Sky loves to have that 'just days behind the States' thing, so we will  have to suck it up. 

I don't know about you, but I haven't got a clue what last happened in House and I miss the even flow of Modern Family and The Middle. I suppose it's not a new thing, but I really don't remember the big mid season event when we got the whole lot in one big dollop. I guess we just used to plough through it with a 'wow a lot happened in that episode'.

But it's not all a bad thing, thanks to the mid season break I have caught up on my Greys Anatomy backlog and boy did a lot happen in that pre MSB (as I like to call it, well have just made up) episode. I don't think any of us were shocked that unfeasibly healthy looking heart patient Henry died. Much like Danny before him the more chipper you look, with a dodgy ticker in Seattle Grace, the swifter you drop and you just knew it was coming when he started making plans for the next ten years. Yeah good luck with that. Cue more weeping and wailing on its return. 

Where was I?...

Oh yeah, the mid season break, I can't remember if  was I for them or against. Answers on a postcard please.


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