Tuesday 28 February 2012

Lost - Never Again.

I have noticed lately that the shelves of charity shops and trade in stores are becoming jammed to breaking point with seasons of Lost. No doubt this is because people have, wisely, thought, 'there's no way I'm watching that crap again, life's just too short'.

And it has made me think what an idiot I was to get mixed up in that colossal tosh fest. How, no doubt like millions of others, I tried to kid myself that the creators hadn't painted themselves into a corner by season two;  how they had a great master plan and a fantastic finale to smack us with...Then we got that bunker and alarm bells were going off in my head more than they did in that bloody bunker. I felt myself shouting 'you don't know what you're doing' at the television, like they had just recast Howard Webb as John Lock. But, much like everyone else I was still swallowing it, then the island started going back and forth in time and even I couldn't overlook the plot holes the size of the Grand Canyon. 

As for the last season, I'm struggling to remember it, all I can think of is that God awful final episode. I remember Sky showed it simultaneously with it going out in the States. Please tell me no idiot stayed up all night. As we all watched it, we realised we'd been duped. The finale wasn't going to shine a bright light on all that had gone before so we could nod our heads and mutter 'genius'. It wasn't some last second touchdown pass that would save the game. No, as we'd all suspected, the writers didn't have a clue, they was as lost as we were. So now as the years have passed, we can look at Lost in it's true light the biggest dose of codswallop you will ever sit through.

And as for Heroes...


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