Wednesday 8 February 2012

True Blood - Fairies, Witches and Wolves... Oh My!

By the time Dexter reached its forth season we had the Trinity Killer to look forward to and in its forth run The Wire was delving into the problems of the Baltimore education system, so what do we get from True Blood? Fairyland and witches. 

OK, you might say 'hold on True Blood isn't in their class' but didn't we all think it might be after the first season? Here was an intelligent show, that treated vampires in an adult manner. Come on, admit it, we all had high hopes. Then came season two and that whole Caligula lite thing with that odd creature, did it turn into a pig? I can't remember. So True Blood slipped out of the Premier League and season three saw a further relegation, what with werewolves that made New Moon look like The Howling. 

So now here we are in season four and the slump seems to be continuing unabated. We started in that kind of fairy land where Sookie met her fairy godmother, I kid you not. But wait, it's a trap and it all suddenly becomes Labyrinth lite, with goblins everywhere. But, thankfully, Sookie escapes to find she has been gone over a year... but she thought she was only away a few minutes! The woman is a fairy and she still can't grasp stuff like that? I'd suggest fairy school, but that will probably crop up around episode ten anyway.  

So, in her absence, everyone has moved. I won't bore you with what they are up to, I'll leave that to the show itself but we get witches this season. Suffice to say, True Blood still thinks it is an intelligent show, despite all evidence to the contrary, and is nowhere near as good as it thinks it is. 

Its a shame, if that first season just stood on its own, much like say Firefly, we would all be marvel at it and wonder where they could have took it. My guess is none of us would have said Sookie would meet her fairy godmother.


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