Thursday 17 May 2012

Starlings - More twee then Glee!

Call me stupid, but I just don't get this current crop of Sky homegrown comedy drama type things. I didn't get Stella, I didn't get The Cafe, I didn't get Mount Pleasant, let's face it who did?, and I certainly don't get the latest offering Starlings. In fact they could all fall into a new genre, Adult Twee.

Starlings is another of those large, only on television, families .You know the type, extended, they live in a quite large rural house, all sort of get on, and sit around the dinner table together. It is kind of like Shameless without the Jeremy Kyle element. There is one scene, in the first episode, where a relative unexpectedly turns up at the door and he is invited to stay as long as he likes. In real life, if a relation turns up unannounced at your door, your first thought is: Why did I open the door? Starlings also has more than its fair share of wacky characters; when I tell you one is called Gravy, you can judge the level of kookiness for yourself. But there is trouble on the horizon, the family electrical business is in trouble, damn the economy, but Adult Twee needs these sort of things to leaven the syrup. In fact, at times, even with the problems, the Starlings were so sickly that they made that family in Terra Nova look like The Sopranos.
But really, much like all the other Sky shows mentioned, nothing much happened and, yet again, much like the other Sky shows mentioned Starlings wasn't particularly dramatic or funny. There is a whole lot of these programmes, so why doesn't Sky follow its own lead, with the Formula One channel, and have the Sky Adult Twee Channel? Then they can really go mad and drown us in a sea of syrup.

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