Monday 30 July 2012

New Girl - Enough Slapstick and SHOUTING!

So I've just started watching New Girl and I'm not 100% sure what I make of it. I'm torn. On the one hand I  love the show and everything about it but another part of me thinks that I wouldn't want to watch it with anyone else because at at times it can be so embarrassingly bad I want to hide under the pillow. 

First let me put your fears at rest, obviously I adore Zooey Deschanel! I mean who doesn't? She's funny pretty and friendly - the perfect TV actress! Her quirkiness doesn't get annoying and she's just a good watchable actress. As for the other New Girl characters, I like them all too. They all bring something different to the show. I especially like Schmidt, who in the first few episodes had the potential to be the most irritating character in TV history but he kind of warms on you. When all these characters are given good scripts the episodes work brilliantly, it's when they don't that we have a problem... 

My main gripe with New Girl is the writers incessant need for slap stick and shouting. You can be enjoying a good episode laughing away and then for some reason the characters start SHOUTING REALLY LOUDLY and then that shouting turns into a ridiculous fight. So far we've had a fight in a supermarket, a girly bitch fight, a running around the table fight and a slaping fight between two men! It's unnecessary, not funny and quite frankly cringe worthy. 

At times New Girl really does seem to good for these scenes and when they happen you can only think Why? Why did you put that in? Who thinks that's funny?

I don't know, maybe it's me? I've never been a fan of slapstick. I'm also watching Frasier from the beginning at the moment which is quite possibly the most intelligent comedy ever, so the silliness in New Girl annoys me, especially as if they got rid of it it has the potential to be a really really good show!

Who knows what season 2 will produce. The sophomore year of a show always tends to be better as they have the chance to get rid of the kinks from the first year. Here's hoping the New Girl producers see what those kinks are. 

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