Monday 2 July 2012

Revenge - Making Bugs Bunny Subtle

Don't get me wrong, I am really enjoying Revenge, with its mad mix of every show you have seen, over the last few years, from Dirty, Sexy Money to The Vampire Diaries, without the vampires. But certain things are starting to bother me. We all know Emily Thorne (Emily Van Camp) is really Amanda Clarke, come to the super rich Hampton's to reek havoc as revenge for the death of her father. But why doesn't anybody recognise her? The producers have done an excellent job making the young Amanda (seen in flashback) look stunningly like the older Emily. Why doesn't anyone say: "I'll tell you what you don't half look like Amanda Clarke, whose father was disgraced and died. I wonder what happened to her? Only you do look like her." Emily's subterfuge makes Superman look like a master of disguise. 

Which brings us on to Jack Porter, Amanda's childhood friend, who even named his boat Amanda! He is clueless but his dog isn't, and that must be the oldest dog on the planet, because it wasn't a puppy twenty odd years ago, in flashbacks, and now it is still sprightlyenough to sniff Emily constantly and turn up at her door. He really must have some of Bouncer's DNA in him. But dim Jack is baffled by his dog's behaviour. 

Did I say I was enjoying Revenge? Well I am, but, here comes another but, Emily seems to outwit the super rich Grayson family and their cohorts very easily and in a way that makes Bugs Bunny's outwitting of Yosemite Sam seem subtle. OK, she is aided by her super, super, rich, kind of, pal Nolan Ross. A man so wealthy he makes Bill Gates look  like Frank Gallagher. But Emily and Nolan  do seem like high tec Loony Tunes characters at times. There is, however, one unreserved joy in Revenge and that is seeing Madeleine Stowe back on screen. There was a time when she was in everything, then she seemed to disappear, well Ms Stowe is back with a bang as Victoria Grayson, the main object of Emily's anger and she relishes every moment. Victoria is a mass of scheming, withering looks, and consummate charm.

So, like I have said, I am enjoying Revenge, but it has the very real capacity to make Ringer look like a documentary on the hazards of being an identical twin.


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