Monday 9 July 2012

Sky 1's Sinbad or Year 4's Homework?

You might have to watch Sky 1's much hyped, fantasy adventure Sinbad twice, not because it is so great, but to confirm how poor it all is.
This new Sinbad (Elliot Knight) is more Basingstoke than ancient Basra, he even looks like he has just wandered out of Primark, or is he centuries ahead of his time is that the point? Then, to add to it all, the whole thing feels like it has been written as an eight year old's class project.
"Miss, Miss can we have Sinbad run around a lot?"
"And Miss, Miss can he get on a boat?"
"Then Miss we can have a storm and sea monsters"
Even when things do look up, like the appearance of Paul Barber as the grizzled ship's Captain (at last a character with a bit of promise) they mess it all up by killing him off far too quickly. So at the end of the first episode we were left with, what appears to be our cast of regulars and none of them are particularly inspiring, looking more like the cast of a Doritos advert than a group you want to follow for the next few months. The only light in this depressing tunnel was Lost's very own Naveen Andrews as the villain Lord Akbari, he is a cut above everything else in the show but still not enough of a reason to tune in again. Plus, the trailer for next weeks instalment looked pretty dull, the sort of stuff you might catch at three in the afternoon on the Syfy channel.
OK, I'm not asking for Sinbad to be like Spartacus, or Game of Thrones, just more story and a lot less tear-arsing around might have given it an edge.


  1. me and my better half watched several episodes and I had to laugh when I read your blog, as it is very much exactly how we felt about it...with the exception of basingstoke. We thought more north London ;-)

    1. Thank you for your comment Cyrill. Glad we weren't the only ones to feel that way. Feel free to comment on any other posts whether you agree or disagree! We love a discussion!
