Wednesday 29 August 2012


Well another series of TOWIE ends, and like the DFS sale you just know there will be another along immediately. But what did we all glean from this latest batch of episodes from the wilds of Essex? I for one will never wear a watch on my wrist again, that sucker is going on my ankle right away. Where would we all be without Joey Essex?

This series we also got a, kind of, villain in the shape of club owning, whats his name?... You know the bloke who claimed he's slept with everyone but Arg?... The one who Joey had the, sort of, western showdown with? No I don't know either. Lots of people broke up with lots of people mainly because people told them people were cheating on people. The whole Bobby / Charlie will they won't they, is he isn't he? thing rolled on in a very convoluted manner and just when it all seemed to be sorting itself out, the producers would sling Gemma into the mix and we were all back to square one. This series also cemented Arg as not only the biggest buffoon on TOWIE, but perhaps the biggest buffoon on British television, now that is some achievement. We also waved a fond farewell to Lauren G as she, no doubt, goes off to do a show of her own that will, no doubt, be cancelled after one series.

Then we had the traumatic 'prom night' finale.  Where Joey's sister Frankie, it is Frankie isn't it, she's not one of the numerous Billie's is she? venomously threw a drink at that villain type bloke. Now this made me wonder was that whole party filmed in one night? Because with his sister involved in a massive altercation there is no way Joey wouldn't have rushed over and got stuck in. Also Gemma, who seemed fine in the limo, going to the 'prom', suddenly had a sore throat and croaky voice on arrival. Makes you wonder doesn't it?

Oh well, there probably isn't that much longer to wait until all our fave characters are back in their real houses and real shops living their real lives just for us. I, for one cannot wait.


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