Thursday 25 July 2013

Burton and Taylor - BBC4 Final Hurrah.

If we believe what we read, Burton and Taylor is the last original drama BBC4 will ever make; so the channel can fully concentrate on Nordic Noir and The Old Grey Whistle Test. But it could be argued impressive dramas such as Burton and Taylor should be aired prime time on BBC1. Perhaps the subject matter of two ageing stars is not feel good enough, no chirpy cockney midwives, or lovely scenery to drag in the jaded punters. Well if this is BBC4 drama's last hurrah, at least they went out on a high.

Burton and Taylor tells the story of Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor's 1983 Broadway run in the play Private Lives and its, oh so many, many trials and tribulations. We were served up both schools in how to play this BBC biopic genre, Helena Bonham-Carter, as Elizabeth Taylor, went for the straight out impression and she carried it off beautifully, uncannily so at times. Where as Dominic West, as Richard Burton, went more for the spirit of the man, wisely avoiding the booming Burton voice which could have led us into a Rob Brydonesque nightmare. Both actors were first rate and carried the film along brilliantly; enhancing the sad, doomed almost dour atmosphere of William Ivory's script.

So if BBC4 has closed its drama doors, where will these recent history BBC biopics go now? Certainly not over to the Russell Howard, Family Guy filled BBC 3 and they might not be upbeat enough for BBC1, that only leaves the welcoming arms of that waste basket  BBC2.


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