Monday 5 August 2013

Doctor Everybody Knew Who

You have to hand it to the BBC, they wasted half an hour of prime time television to announce something everybody already knew; who would be the new Doctor Who. 

Unless you had been pony trekking on Gallifey for two weeks, last nights Doctor Who Live would have come as no real surprise. But the show must go on and everyone made out that no one knew the identity of the new Doctor. Presenter Zoe Ball bravely played the whole thing like we couldn't stand the tension. We had the tearful farewell to Matt Smith's annoying college professor buffoon Doctor. Plus there was a lot of celeb talking heads telling us how great the show was, is, and will be. Then, for me, the highlight of the sorry shambles when Rufus Hound turned up, Zoe told us what a big fan he was and Rufus responded by saying he had only started watching when Peter Eccleston took over. A double whammy, not only did he show us how clueless he really is but also gave away half of the big non surprise to come. You could imagine the conversation with his agent.

Agent: Rufus, I've got you the Doctor Who Live gig.
Rufus: Who?
Agent: Exactly now go give 'em your best Paul Ross.

Then came the big reveal who could it be? The world and his wife have been saying it's Peter Capaldi for a week, so who could it be? Yep Malcolm Tucker himself Peter Capaldi wanders on. You didn't get the feeling the viewing public had just collectively fallen off their settees in shock. There was the perfunctory interview and it was all settled. 

I'm hoping Peter Capaldi can bring some of that Malcolm Tucker steel to the role, obviously without the language. I somehow don't think he will tell the !^$£in' Daleks to stick their !^$$in' exterminators up their £$!!in'. But a little less buffoonery from the Doctor wouldn't go amiss. 

I'm now looking forward to the BBC's next show Will The Sun Rise Live, I'm sure Rufus Hound will do a good job.


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