Monday 17 March 2014

Channel 5 Walkiing Out Of The Walking Dead: A Ranting Ronnie rant.

What is it with that shower at Channel 5? First they won't show the new season of Justified and now they've pulled the same stunt with The Walking Dead. It's not like they are jam packed with great stuff of their own. One look at Suspects will tell you that. Perhaps they are too fond of their The Man With The Six Foot Toe and stuff to worry about quality drama. My ageing mother in law loves The Walking Dead. So how am I going to explain she won't be able to see season four? On the upside it will save her a fortune on new knickers. But she still moans about the loss of Grey's Anatomy.
"When's that Grey's Anatomy comin' back Ronnie?" She asks. "How's George and Izzy gettin' on?"
I haven't the guts to tell her we are on season five hundred on Sky Living.
Perhaps the problem was The Walking Dead and Justified haven't got letters in front of their name. If it was NCIS The Walking Dead or CSI Justified, Channel 5 would be falling over itself to get them on their poor old channels.
All this really shows us is that if you like an American series on terrestrial TV, don't get too cosy with it, it will be pulled out from under you and replaced by some poor sod with an outrageously disfigured body part. Enjoy.
Ranting Ronnie.

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