Wednesday 19 January 2011

Jack The Ripper - The Definitive Story.

Fans of bad acting should tune into the second part of Five's Jack the Ripper- The Definitive Story. (Thursday 20th at 9.00) If the first episode was anything to go by, we’re in for a treat. It's a docudrama, light on the docu, even lighter on the drama. It seems like we've all been Jack the Rippered to death. With, what feels like ten thousand documentaries all boldly announcing a different, it's definitely him, killer. Who is promptly rubbished in the next documentary. But, like I've said, the true joy of The Definitive Story is the acting. The makers have obviously blown the, slender, budget on their state of the art, (Radio Times words not mine) re-creations of Whitechapel in 1880. So when it came to hiring the talent to people their world, the coffers must've been empty. Sending out the message to agents, give us your cheapest. There were some real great acting moments. But the real high was the witness with the urinary infection rushing to the toilet. He is supposed to have heard one of the victims fall against his fence in his mad dash to relieve himself. But instead of being poor, ill, and in discomfort, the actor bowls jauntily out of his back door, jumps, as if startled by a car backfiring, then continues to bowl merrily to the toilet. He looks more like he's wandering along Brighton seafront, than a mad dash for the khazi. Let's hope for more moments like this in the second ripping installment.


Jack The Ripper - The Definitive Story

Channel 5 - Thursday 20th January. 9pm.

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