Wednesday 9 February 2011

Book Em Danno - Hawaii 5-0

The new revamp of Hawaii 5-0 moves so fast it makes 24 look like Country File. The trouble is, in their haste, they left any semblance of a plot behind. What it boiled down to was that after a massive gun battle, helicopters, explosions and upended trucks, Steve McGarrett (Alex O'Louglin ) has come to Hawaii to bury his father, who was executed by the villain of the piece who is played by James Marster's with an Irish accent (call me a Buffy purest, but he never looks right to me without blond hair and a long coat)

Before his dad is cold, Steve is pounced upon to start some sort of elite task force. Why? I don't know. Anyway red tape must be a thing of the past in Hawaii, because he gets sworn in over the phone and he can now hunt down his father's killers legally. All this is done at break neck speed. It has taken me longer to write it. First Steve recruits Chin Ho, Lost's Daniel Dae Kim, who still looks lost and who can blame him. Next up McGarrett gets tangled up with cop Danny (book 'em Danno) Williams, played by Scott Caan, who looks about one foot seven tall and one foot seven wide. At first they don't get along, Shocker. Another problem is the banter between them; it's just not snappy enough, but they become pals; mainly due to the fact they shoot everyone they see. If Hawaii Five -0 is to be believed, Hawaii is bereft of Hawaiians but jam-packed with semi automatic weapons. It's like they ask someone the time and they pull an AK-47. McGarrett's crack squad is completed by Chin's cousin, a surfer babe who turns out to be none other than Battlestar Gallactica's Boomer. She emerges from the waves, bikini clad and she doesn't wear much more for the rest of the show. Five gun battles later we reach the climax. James Marster’s is shot, but you don't see him die. Making you think he'll be back. But will most of the viewers? We get the obligatory " Book 'em Danno, " and thankfully it’s over.

The original show is too seldom seen these days to make a comparison. But this revamp really doesn't look too promising at the moment. Over.

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