Friday 11 February 2011

Are The Only Way Is Essex stars fame hungry? Don't answer that....

Last night Amy Childs from The Only Way Is Essex let the twitter world know that she was off for drinks at the Mayfair Hotel. 4 hours later she tweeted that the paparazzi had ruined her night by ‘papping’ her nonstop.

Now these tweets raise a few questions. The first one being, did she really think she could reveal where she was going on a night out and not get papped? Is she still that naive? Or did she tweet her location just so she could get some attention from the paparazzi and then regret it when she couldn’t get into the Mayfair Hotel and it was captured on camera.

Also, Isn’t Amy a bit new to the fame game to be moaning about all the paparazzi that follow her? Surely that right is reserved for super star bitches such as Naomi Campbell and Sienna Miller. Not some girl from Essex who's only been famous for about six months. There’s a very good chance that in a year’s time she will be going out of her way to get papped and no one will want to know.

Don’t get me wrong I love TOWIE, I think its trash TV at its very best (expect lots of updates when the new season comes back in a few weeks) and Amy’s tweets from last night just prove why I love the show so much. You see, whether Amy was being stupid, naive or just plain fame hungry it all makes for great entertainment, and it’s not just Amy who's like this, the whole cast are the same! The Only Way Is Essex really is the finest Trash TV there is.

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