Friday 18 February 2011

True Blood Season 3

I intend to watch around three episodes of True Blood tonight but from what I’ve seen of the first two episodes, I may as well just sit down and watch some vampire based porn, there wouldn’t be much difference. At the moment it seems to be all sex and blood with a werewolf thrown in for good measure. Like Twilight gone wild.

I enjoy the show and I like the characters, I just think the story needs to start developing if I’m going to enjoy this season. My friends, who have already seen season 3, say that it’s much better then series 2 so I do have high hopes for the next few episodes. To be honest I can’t even remember what happened in the past two episodes except that Eric was naked for a lot of it (not necessarily a bad thing) and Tara tried to kill herself but was saved by Lafayette (a massive shame in my opinion)

It’s not like I’m a prude and object to sex on TV. It’s just when you’re watching on a Friday night with a pizza hut and a mild hangover it can all be a bit too much. Maybe that’s my own fault for choosing to watch it then...

Anyway I’ll let you know how I get on.

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