Wednesday 23 February 2011

Morag Bellingham Investigates‏

So it was Will Smith who killed Penn Graham in Home and Away. Not being a frequenter of spoiler sites, this came as a bit of a shock to me. Who would have guessed that it was the not so bright Will who dispatched the latest Home and Away loon. And let's face it, over the years Summer Bay has had more crazies wandering its streets than Gotham City.

But, in truth, Penn Graham's death was a bit of a let down. He came into the Bay all fired up with plans of bloody revenge. Much like Max Cady in Cape Fear. The object of his rage was good old Aussie battler Alf Stewart. Who Penn blamed for the death of his mother and father. But just as you thought he was going to trap Alf and go all Robert DeNiro on his arse. He ended up dead. Thus bringing into play that other great Home and Away stalwart, the never ending storyline. Alf was the main suspect and he was firmly in the sights of Detective Robertson. A cop with so many quirks he makes Monk look like Alan Titchmarsh. The upside of all this was the return of Morag. Alf's sister who is an ex Judge and now ace(ish) lawyer. Morag has the determination and demeanour of a pit bull on crack. So you just knew she would shake things up.

Wait a minute, I've just had an idea. She should have a show of her own. 'Morag Bellingham Investigates'. She could start up a practise just along the coast. But Morag would need a side kick, an old character from Summer Bay days gone by. And who better than Lance Smart, Colleen's uber dim witted son. Who is, if you think about it, Morag's nephew. Perfect. He would hinder as much as he helped, but always come out on top. Plus why not throw in Detective Robertson, demoted after the Alf Stewart / Penn Graham fiasco. He would be a constant foil to the ever resourceful Morag. Just imagine how great it would be. A weekly murder and guest slots for Home and Away regulars. I'm in hog heaven! It could be an Australian 'Murder She Wrote'. Just what we need.

What was I on about, who cares? I just want to see the first season of 'Morag Bellingham Investigates'!


1 comment:

  1. how many still watch home and away I thought my household was the only one and I'm forced into watching it by my saddo husband. He skyplus' it every day and we have to watch it whilst eating dinner, I've started to rebel and walk out and leave him to it. He loves Alf and gets very depressed when he takes his yearly break, I know he secretly wants to see him in Priscilla over in the uk prentends he doesn't but if he could go in disguise I know he will be there like a shot!. I like the morga investigation but not sure it will take off.
