Monday 28 March 2011

Get on with it already - X Factor USA

So it’s been however many weeks since the X Factor USA advert during the Superbowl, where we were told this was going to be the biggest thing on TV in living history, but yet we still don’t know who’s going to be on the bloody show. And as more time passes the less I’m starting to care.

Now don’t get me wrong I love a X Factor story as much as the next person but I don’t honestly know how much more speculation I can stomach. How many times can I person read the same story over and over again... Cheryl Cole has the job, Cheryl Cole hasn’t got the job, Rhianna’s doing it, Mariah Carrey doesn’t have the time to do it, the panels going to surprise people, there will be two hosts or possibly one host but it doesn’t matter anyway because it’s going to be the best show EV-AH! It really is enough to drive a person insane.

Sure we’ve had the announcement of LA Reid as the second male judge but in the famous words of Big Brothers Nikki Grame ‘Who is he?’ (or am I just out of touch?) Really the only thing people care about is, who the female judges are going to be and who will be sitting next to Simon Cowell? But alas it seems the producers are intent on withholding this information from us. A FOX spokesperson said last night we may have to wait until the end of April to find out the final judging panel. Just imagine how many stories the Daily Mail would have wrote about Cheryl Cole and her X Factor woes by then.

Meanwhile American Idol is slowly but surely plodding along and doing fairy well without Simon Cowell. There was a singing show that just got its head down, picked the right judging panel, didn’t create a fuss and pretty much got on with it. And you know what it worked. The judges have a brilliant chemistry, after ten years of being on the air the show feels fresh and thankfully it doesn’t have a spiteful edge to it any more. There are no smoke and mirrors with AI something that its new rival definitely has.

The thing is the X Factor doesn’t need to create all this hoo haa to get people excited about the show, because depsite all this ridiculous build up it is a good TV progreamme! But the longer this whole ‘whositgonnabe’ farce continues the quicker people are going to get bored of the X Factor and it hasn’t even started yet!

By the time you read this it we may already know who will be on the panel, or not, either way I'm not sure I can be bothered to care anymore.

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