Tuesday 1 March 2011

Spoilers are the devils work.

I have a confession. I am addicted to spoilers. As an avid TV viewer this is probably something I should stop doing, as I'm ruining my favorite shows for myself, but I just can’t seem to stop looking. Whenever I see that warning on a forum saying ‘SPOILER ALERT’ I find myself clicking away then wondering why I did two minutes later. I just can’t help it. If I'm invested in a show and America are a few episodes or seasons in front of the UK, I make it my business to find out what's going on.

I managed to find out the end of season 4 of Dexter months before the UK even began showing it on FX. So from the very first episode of season 4 I knew Rita was a dead woman walking. It all started when she popped up in Desperate Housewives last year which made me wonder if she was still in Dexter and it turned out that she wasn't!

It doesn't stop there though, I know loads of things about all my favourite shows...

I know something vital about the last ever episode of Medium; I just managed to see what happens between Blair and Dan in the latest episode of Gossip Girl and I know what happens in the latter part of season 3 in Fringe because I just can’t help myself from looking! I know who shot Paul in Desperate Housewives and I know what happens between Finn and Rachel in Glee.I have managed to stop myself from looking to see what happens in True Blood and Boardwalk Empire but I think that’s mainly because I don’t care that much. I NEVER look to see what happens in Mad Men but thats because nothing much ever happens and I wouldn't want to find out about the only thing that happens in 12 episodes. I always have to watch the 'next week on...' after the shows I'm watching, and always press information on the TV Guide to see the show synopsis for the following week

Personally I blame the UK's TV schedule. We are always so behind the US in showing the latest TV shows. We are a whole season behind True Blood, Dexter and Boardwalk Empire. 3 seasons behind Weeds and season 3 of Breaking Bad (perhaps the best show on TV) hasn’t even seen the light of day over here yet. I’m hoping Sky Atlantic is going to change all this, and we might start being up to date with the shows so I wont have to spoil my TV viewing. Sky 1 boasted for months that Modern Family and Fringe were ‘days behind the states’ which to be fair they were. I managed to keep myself from reading about them as I knew I’d get to see the show in a couple of days but they then bump them from their schedule for Louie Spence’s Show Business! This means, we are now 8 episodes behind Fringe and Modern Family, and I've consequently read what's happening in the latest episodes because I'm bored of waiting for them to come back... either that or I need to get a hobby.

IMAGE: http://www.flickr.com/photos/robbodnar/483442163/sizes/m/in/photostream/

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