Monday 7 March 2011

A Summer Bay Super Hero!

I used to think I'd like to live in Summer Bay. You know, have lunch at the Diner, swap gossip with Colleen over a smoothie. Followed by a wander along the beach, then have a swift half in the Surf Club, before whiling the afternoon away talking rubbish with Miles and Alf. Perhaps finish off the day trying to woo Marilyn.

But these days I'm not so sure. With Penn Graham not yet cold in his grave, another bunch of larrikins have descended on the bay. Descended in the nasty shape of The River Boys. An unsavoury surfer gang, is there any other kind?, from Mangrove River. Now as all Home and Away viewers know, Mangrove River is not that nicer place. And certainly no Yabbie Creek.

We got our introduction to the River Boys at Angelo's ill conceived Singles Night. They never learn these Home and Away characters. Organise a function in the Bay and get ready to watch wholesale mayhem. Neighbours seldom goes in for this sort of thing. They trundle along with the sneerings of Paul Robinson.

It is like Summer Bay cannot survive without a constant stream of loons, psychos and gangs. What Home and Away needs is its own Super Hero. Power Prawn,or something along those lines. He, or she, would certainly be kept busy. Yes, Summer Bay needs Power Prawn!


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