Tuesday 8 March 2011

True Blood - God loves fangs.

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about how I wasn’t looking forward to watching the new series of True Blood on FX. Well I can’t tell you how pleased I am to report that this season is the best yet!

It is so much darker and grimier then the past two series. There is more violence and blood, sinister under tones and less romance and sex. The lack of sex is welcome for me because it was all getting a bit too much. I know that Vampires are meant to be sexual beings but there is only so much of it you want to see. We managed to get through six episodes in a row and there wasn’t a fang banger in sight, which makes a change as we spent half of season 2 watching the ridiculous ‘Maynard’ put the whole of Bon Temps under some sort of sex spell.

For me the new characters are making this season so good. So far none of them have disappointed like the Maynard and Eggs did in season 2. The psychotic Franklin was funnier in one episode then the whole of Benidorm has been for two seasons and Russell is the best villain we’ve had so far in True Blood. The werewolves have also been a welcome addition, portrayed as drug-addled hill billies as opposed to jean wearing do gooders and a bigger use of the Queen of Louisiana has gone down a treat.

A lot of the season has been centered more on Eric then it has Bill, which is a nice change, and thankfully we have had a reprieve from the Bill and Sookie love story. When the show started it seemed like they would be the core of the show, but True Blood seems to have completely moved on from that now. Whether they are a couple almost seems irrelevant. I'm also enjoying the big mystery as to what Sookie’s power is. My money is on some sort of fairy or pixie, but considering season 3 has been nothing short of mean, I’m probably way off base.

My only problem is the way some of the characters have been completely wasted. Lafayette for example has had another non-existent season, and Jessica who was a breath of fresh air in season 2 has been quiet for the last 8 episodes.

There are only 4 episodes left and I can’t wait for them, it almost makes me regret not wanting to watch the show in the first place!

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