Wednesday 13 April 2011

Sky Atlantic - Has Dustin Hoffman sold us a dud?

Am I the only one who is finding Sky Atlantic a little disappointing? It was heralded with over sincere ads, fronted by a vaguely creepy Dustin Hoffman and all sorts of goodies were promised. But the excitement seems to have dwindled for me.

The flagship show Boardwalk Empire while good, isn't great. And it was constantly beaten in the ratings by the far superior The Killing over on BBC Four. I'm sure Sky didn't envision their much vaunted, Martin Scorsese produced, series getting its arse kicked by a dark,twenty part Danish thriller. Then there is Blue Bloods, passing fair, but pedestrian. It lacks the power of say, an NYPD Blue.

Next Treme, I was looking forward to this David Simon effort. Although I hadn't really liked Generation Kill, I hoped this would be a winner. I lasted half an hour. I found the characters uninteresting and didn't really want to hang around a Katrina torn New Orleans with them for ten episodes.

Bored to Death, the new comedy, I just don't get. That maybe a personal failing on my part, but it just passes me by. Even Weeds, which I'm still enjoying, is not as good as the first three seasons.

The HBO features have been pretty dour. You Don't Know Jack, with Al Pacino was very good. But it took a lot to sit through it. Same with The Jack Bull, a doom laden western with John Cusak. And I didn't have the stamina for Temple Gradin. I just looked at it sitting there on my planner and thought, I haven't got the energy. But perhaps things will pick up. Game of Thrones, which starts on the 18th might be a winner. It looks good.

Then again, I could be moaning about nothing. I've watched more Sky Atlantic, over the last two months than I have ITV in two years. Let's think about it how many ITV shows could we all gripe about. I've talked myself out of it. Sky Atlantic could be better than I thought. And who knows, I might even give Treme another go when it gets repeated.

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