Thursday 14 April 2011

The Vanessa Show - A serious affair.

A little while back, on hearing it had precious few viewers, we reviewed The Vanessa Show. Recently, I noticed Channel 5 had pulled it from its morning slot and stuck it after Neighbours. As a service to you kind reader, I thought I'd check it out, to see if there had been any changes. Well the set was the same bedsit affair. Same Vanessa and Ben. Except Ben now has glasses and a, sort of, goatee. Perhaps this was to emphasise the more serious air, because the show itself has become more issue led. All the celeb stuff seems to have been given the elbow. Jenny Eclair was in the studio, so I rest my case. First issue off the rank was Should men cry? And was it dull. I have to admit after five minutes, or so, I nearly broke down in tears. That subject pummelled into the ground, next up we got Do women have to be tough in the workplace? And this was every bit as dire. But my interest was peeked when one of the guests was described as a 'sofa surfer'. Just as I was wondering what that entailed and what level of skill it took to surf on a sofa. The other guest was also called a sofa surfer. Then I fell in, sit on the sofa on The Vanessa Show and you re a, you guessed it, a sofa surfer. This whole sorry affair was rounded off by a swift chat with Jenny Eclair, so swift she barely had time to plug her upcoming gigs. There's good news if you have serious masochistic tendencies, after Vanessa you can switch to ITV and catch the Alan Titchmarsh Show. The horror... The horror. Over.

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