Thursday, 12 May 2011

Doctor Who - a poor science fiction novel.

I read that, Doctor Who supremo, Steven Moffat has been moaning that a fan leaked the plot of the two part series opener. Well If I was Mr Moffat, I'd of been more afraid news got out that it was a super stinker of epic proportions. Dreadful doesn't come into it. This is obviously what you get when you mix convoluted, labyrinthine, and arse numbingly dull together. As with most Doctor Who duds, you get the feeling this was some half baked idea for a science fiction novel that didn't get past fifty pages. I wont even attempt to bore you with the plot. Perhaps because I can't.

And when the show gets this tedious you start to notice all its short comings. I'm starting to get a little tired of Matt Smith's, one note, bumbling college professor, take on the Doctor. It really is time to put more in the mix. I suggest he goes back and watches how David Tennant added darker shades to the character. Mind you he is not helped by Karen Gillan as Amy Pond. She really only has one expression, stunned rabbit, which she then adapts for pain, happiness and, well, stunned. Then there is Arthur Darvill as Rory. I never feel second assistants work in Doctor Who, and Rory proves it. He is so forgettable that... What was I talking about? Oh yeah, Rory. He hangs around the edges to very little affect. The only high of the dire double opener was Alex Kingston. She brings a gusto and pathos to her character, River Song, that Matt Smith can only dream of.

I was so comatose that I don't think I picked up on the series arc. But I'm sure it will bash me over the head later in the series. Episode three is sitting on my planner, I haven't the enthusiasm to watch it just yet. Oh no, I've just realised, I've become what everyone eventually becomes on the Internet, a Doctor Who blogger. Nooooooooo!!!


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