Monday, 9 May 2011

Martina Cole's The Runaway

Pantomime season ended late this year. But at least it went out with a bang. Martina Cole's The Runaway was nothing if not laughable from start to finish - Add your own "oh no it wasn't " here. This was pure panto all the way. From over the top, boo hiss, cockney villains in the shape of Keith Allen, to Alan Cumming's Widow Twanky impression. The lead characters, Eamon and Cathy, with their star crossed lovers routine, were unsympathetic and annoying. They seemed to hit every hard luck cliche like a runaway truck.

Plus, for a series set between the mid sixties to the mid seventies it had no sense of time, or place. You could probably write a, Martina Cole sized, book on all the errors that popped up. Soho seemed to be one street and it almost felt like the characters were going to burst into song as they wandered along. Sadly Alan Cumming, as previously mentioned done up like Widow Twanky, did sing quite a bit.Thank Heaven for the fast forward, plus 6 did the job nicely.

The plot twisted and turned like a Roman road. I can't believe any viewer wasn't at least three steps ahead. Earlier in the week I commented on how excellently In Treatment was acted. Well this was the anti In Treatment. Even first rate, solid actors like Ken Stott chewed up the scenery like he was being paid by the word.

If they start giving out BAFTAs for woeful, over the top, shambles look out for The Runaway to be a top contender.


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