Friday 16 September 2011


I'd like to start this weeks Overview with my own little tribute to Andy Whitfield. I thought he not only brought a power and intensity to his portrayal of Spartacus, but also a real empathy. You were always rooting for him, even in the face of some glorious villains. I think Andy Whitfield would have gone on to be an excellent TV action hero. A sad loss.

The second episode of Appropriate Adult was nowhere near as good as the first. Gone was the taut tension, instead we got a kind of Silence of the Lambs lite. There was a scene where Fred West goes into the dock, with the intention of ignoring Rose, that was set up like we were supposed to be cheering for him. Janet Leach ( Emily Watson ) the appropriate adult of the title, looks on as if to say "Come on Fred!" It bordered on something out of Glee. All that was missing was Fred singing She's Out of My Life and Mr. Shue smiling.

In case you have wandered away, the bonking Borgias are still at it. With lots of treachery and intrigue for treachery and intrigues sake. The show is running out of oomph before it really had any.

Even though I knew it was cancelled, I still watched Law and Order Los Angeles. I suppose it is the television version of not being able to stop yourself glancing at a car crash on the motorway. Stretching the metaphor, a little too much, I looked briefly then drove on.

How boring was last weeks Doctor Who. Amy Pond as a samurai wielding warrior of the future. This isn't exactly fresh material guys. It was done infinitely better in both Misfits and Heroes. Just watching Doctor Who you get the feeling of how woefully, and misguidedly, proud the BBC are of it. While we are all shaking our heads in disbelief.

On the forthcoming attractions front, I don't need to tell you, Curb Your Enthusiasm is back on More 4 this Sunday.


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