Sunday 18 September 2011

These Blu Rays Are Our Last Hope... No There's Another And Another And Another

Why are all these people moaning about the Star Wars blu rays? What is their problem? I can't wait to shell out the best part of seventy quid to see them. Change is good, change binds the galaxy together. Ever since I saw the first film, I think it was called Star Wars way back then, (thankfully they have given it more appropriate name in the intervening years) I have longed for changes. Why did Han Solo just shoot that Greedo creature? I thought it was cowardly, so while the rest of the cinema cheered and clapped, I booed. Plus, who was that Jabba? I wanted to see him and I wanted to see him then and there. So you can imagine how happy I was with the special editions when they came out. How overjoyed I was as Greedo fired first and Han responded. While the rest of the cinema booed I clapped and cheered. And then there was Jabba, a stunning piece of CGI, and I laughed when Han stepped on his tail. No wonder he wanted him in carbonite, I thought.

Then came the prequels. I queued up outside the cinema dressed as an Ewok for two weeks waiting to see The Phantom Menace and I wasn't disappointed. Unlike most people, I don't think it is a soul sapping experience that gets worse every time you see it. No, it is a rich and varied film, as rich and varied as the Gungun culture it so beautifully celebrates. My only quibble is that in the ensuing films, Jar Jar Binks story arc was not brought to completion. I thought, by the end of the trilogy, he would have turned to the Dark Side and become the malevolent Darth Binky. A missed opportunity.

Next came the original trilogy DVD release and at last the whole saga fitted together beautifully, not a plot hole in sight. OK Greedo fires at the same time, but you can't have everything and thankfully that old geezer was replaced by the surly, Kevin and Perryeque, Anakin at the end of Jedi. Surely there could be no way to improve on this faultlessness but they have, now the blu rays are here. I was always baffled by Obi Wan's entrance in A New Hope (love that name) it sounded like he was in a fire engine. It's much better now as we get the echo of someone falling down a well. Also I never got why the Ewoks didn't blink 'what's up with their poor eyes? It must be killing them not blinking' I would muse.

And thankfully, the one thing I never got about Return of the Jedi has been resolved, I never understood why Vader slings the Emperor down that shaft. He doesn't say a word, then suddenly he is hoisting him above his head. Shouldn't he at least say 'Nooooo!' I wondered. Well now he says it twice and we are, finally, clear on his intentions.

I'd like to think we have achieved perfection, but the 3D versions will be coming and I'm sure we will see new subtleties and tweaks that will enhance our enjoyment all over again. I, for one, am glad we have come so far from those dull versions of thirty odd years ago. Keep up the good work George, I'm on my way with my seventy quid!


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