Wednesday 26 October 2011

Boardwalk Empire - Season 2

The other night I had a decision to make, did I watch an episode of Medium, start the new series of Breaking Bad or watch the first three episodes of Boardwalk Empire? After much deliberation and with a heavy heart I picked Boardwalk.

It’s not that I don’t like Boardwalk Empire; I just don’t think it’s as good as everyone else does. I don’t think it yet deserves to be put in the same category as the likes of Dexter and Breaking Bad. The first season wasn’t good enough to get that sort of praise.

However, after watching the begining of the latest season I’m already enjoying it more then I did last year. Somehow the characters seem less one-dimensional and I’m actually remembering characters names, something I was hardly able to do last year, and in some cases actually I’m actually warming to them.

For some reason, this season seems to have found its feet a little more although I must admit; I would prefer fewer politics and more action. As far as I’m concerned Nucky needs to decide whether he’s a politician or a gangster. We had this problem with Stringer Bell in The Wire, a character that never knowing what world, he was in or which he preferred and it can become frustrating for viewers. You get the impression Nelson (the probie) would make a far better gangster then Nuckie does, mainly because he’s just mental. However with the introduction of the Irish guy (don’t’ know his name yet) I get the feeling we are about to see some heads roll. I do however find myself preferring the parts of the show that are set in New York but that’s probably down to the brilliantly played characters of Arnold Rothstien and Lucky Luciano. I hope we get to see more of them as the season goes on.

If the whole of season 2 is as good as the first few episodes, we’re in for a treat and who knows it may even become as good as it thinks it is.

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