Tuesday 25 October 2011

House Proud

I have a secret, one shared by thousands, it's something the general public scorns, but no more, I'm coming out. I watch House...I like House... I never miss House. There, I've unburdened myself and it feels great. Now it is your turn to say it. You know you want to.

How many times have you been asked "What you watching on telly these days?" And you fudge it by replying "Downton Abbey, Dexter, Newsnight" When your whole being is shouting "House! House! House!" But you know what would happen if you had of said it. "Is that still going? Is it still disease of the week? Is that geezer from Neighbours still in it?" On the defencive you'd squeak out a timid yes. But, yet again, your soul is screaming to elaborate.

House is so much more than its formula. The man has been in a mental institution and prison. The show is a portrait of a complex, flawed, and tortured genius. An intense study of his working relationships. His self destructive love for Cuddy and his complicated friendship with Wilson. You want to yell this, but you can't. You want to say how you much prefer the American Hugh Laurie to the English one. The cocky, pill popping, razor tongued one to the fop who has been corrupted by Stephen Fry and Black Adder. But, at the risk of being treated as some special needs case, it is bottled up, kept in the dark and hidden deep.

Well I won't be like that any more, I'm stepping out of the closet and embracing my new found freedom. Come on, say it loud, I'm House proud!


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