Tuesday 15 November 2011

TOWIE - An Emotional Tsunami.

They say British television has no heart and that it is dumbing down. Well I challenge anyone to say that after watching the emotional tsunami that was the season finale of TOWIE. When Mark told Arg that he had to leave, ok he left out the tiny fact he was departing to go into I'm A Celebrity, but the tears were real. I'm absolutely sure there was no cut up onions used in that scene. This was raw emotion, not raw onions. 

Then we had Lucy's heartfelt appeal, with the aid of a microphone, to Mario to take her back and it was yet more tears all around. I'll admit I was crying with them, alright so they were tears of laughter, but hey I was crying that must count for something.

And when you hear critics saying television is dumbing down, I would show them the scene where Arg and Joey Essex, unsuccessfully, try to light their own farts. I would show it to them and watch those critics eat their own words. This was a deeply moving moment when two characters strive to shake off man's existential bonds. Not bozos nearly crapping themselves.

Sadly, with Mark's departure, for the second series in a row TOWIE has lost one of its main stars. It makes you think the show doesn't pay too well because one sniff of another opportunity and they move faster than Arg to a buffet. So who will take over as the new focal point? It all points to Joey Essex but is he strong enough? He is an amusing side character but can he take the weight of leading us into a glorious forth series? 

I must admit I have lost a lot of sleep over this. But I trust the powers that be to elevate someone so we can forget about Mark, the way we forgot about Amy.


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