Thursday 16 February 2012

Modern Family - We Miss You!

Sky 1 have announced the return of Modern Family season 3 but maybe it’s just me but I’m not sure how much I care anymore. Don’t get me wrong I bloody love Modern Family, it is absolutely brilliant but this season has been shown so sporadically I don’t remember what’s happening! To get the best out of these 20 minute comedies you really do need to watch them in bulk but the problem now is, I can’t remember the last time I saw an episode. And this isn’t even your typical winter break because the whole of season 3 has been a viewing nightmare. One week a new episode, the next week a repeat of an old episode because of some bloody American Football game and by the time you get a new episode again you’ve forgot what happened in the last one. I know it’s all because of this whole ‘days behind the States’ nonsense but I would prefer to be months behind the States and have no gaps in my seasons rather then this whole disjointed one week on one week off nonsense. It’s easier to wait for the DVD then have to scan through your TV guide every week making sure you haven’t missed an episode and that Modern Family definitely wasn’t on. Of course I’m going to watch it but I swear any more gaps between now and the end of the season and I won’t be watching MF on Sky again! Those are fighting words!

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