Saturday 17 March 2012

CSI - Octopus Sex and Antler Stabbings.

I haven't watched CSI since the days when Grissom used to bow-leggedly bowlthough the crime labs. But on hearing Ted Danson was taking over from LaurenceFishburne I thought I'd give it another look. It felt like visiting relatives you haven't seen for a while, everyone is a bit older, but everything is much the same. As you would expect, Ted Danson's character, D.B. Russell, is all quirky, tender, get the job done, intuitive beyond reason, etc,etc,etc and you just know he'll have hidden baggage. The rest of the crew sort of don't take to him, but you know they will.

I suppose like many shows, 24 comes to mind, if you are in the bubble everything that happens seems rational and highly probable, but if you are outside of said bubble things look very different. The season opener had octopus sex, shootings, conventional stabbings, antler stabbings and  death by hydraulic pump. Now to a returning viewer this all seemed a bit much. So what of the person I was lured back by? Ted Danson was good and if this was a new series I'd be up for it, but CSI comes with a lot of formulaic baggage, so I don't think I'll be visiting theserelatives again for a while.


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