Wednesday 21 March 2012

Alcatraz... and JJ Abrams is one of the many executive producers

I thought new series Alcatraz was actually called JJ Abrams Alcatraz, well that is certainly the way Watch are promoting it, you know, like John Carpenter's The Thing or whatever. But what do you know, he is only an executive producer. OK, it's made by Bad Robot, but that still doesn't make it his series. As we all know almost every American show has about twenty five thousand executive producers. But then again 'and now, new to Watch, here is Alcatraz and JJ Abrams is one of the many executive producers', doesn't quite have the same impact.
I thought the opening episode was alright. All the inmates, of The Rock disappear in 1963 only to return in the present day. But I hope the 'returning' convicts, from Alcatraz, don't all come on like Terminators on Red Bull - the first one certainly did, disappeared for nearly fifty years and not the least bit phased by modern San Francisco. But I'm sure the explanation will all come later as the tosh and codswallop factors rise.
Overall the show was engaging and well acted, Sam Neill added more gravitas than the show deserves and there's Hugo from Lost and Neela from E.R. so plenty of familiar faces. But will it all get a bit samey as the convict of the week hunts down their own personal Sarah Connor?

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