Thursday 5 April 2012

Ernie Wellthorpe: My Worst Deal.

What is it with BBC1 of a morning? They put on stuff like My Worst Deal and Cowboy this and Cowboy that. All these shows are like training programmes for con men to scam pensioners. These poor old sods might as well have a big sign around their necks saying: I'm a mug please fleece me. Some of them even get done more than once by the same scam and they almost boast about the fact. They happily stand in front of their crumbling conservatories like it's a medal of honour that they have been well and truly been had. Well I'm a pensioner meself and I'll tell you now, I'll have none of it. They wouldn't get me on Cowboy Builders or My Worst Deal because I won't be caught dead without a billy club and some pepper spray. And seeing how I'm not on the Internet, they can't get me that way. Charity muggers never like it when I give them a swift rap across the shins and cold callers take a dim view of a dose of pepper spray in the eyes. Every pensioner should be given a tazer on the National Health then we'd see a few less cowboy builders takin' advantage of us and there would be no need for those shows. Mind you, a tazer would be handy for things like Cash In The Attic, if those, so called, experts get pushy about gettin' you to part with your best crockery just give them a swift jolt to the nads and they will swiftly change their tune. Must go there's someone at the door, now where did I put that pepper spray?

Ernie Wellthorpe (retired)  

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