Thursday 5 April 2012

Spartacus Vengeance.

Spartacus Vengeance ended in typically rip roaring fashion and you have to say over all it was an excellent season.  I had my doubts about the show, more or less, leaving the arena but opening it out has been a success. OK, Liam McIntyre didn't have the power of Andy Whitfield's portrayal, making Spartacus more of a conciliatory leader than brute force commander. But he was still good in the role. 

When Blood and Sand started we all tuned in for the promised gore and nudity but these days it is all about the characters; with the gore and nudity just adding the spice. This week's finale saw a lot of major and major minor characters meet their end. And that has been one of the great strengths of Spartacus we even, sort of, feel sad when the baddies get it, no death is without a twinge of regret that the character is gone. 

Now we have season four to look forward to and the promise of Julius Caesar and, the much mentioned, Marcus Crassus. If the show follows history (well the books and films) then we know the eventual outcome for our hero is not rosy. But getting there will be a non stop thrill ride.


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