Thursday 3 May 2012

Fringe Renewed! Huzzah!

It’s not often we heap praise on a broadcasting network here, but when someone deserves a hearty pat on the back we like to let them know, credit where credit is due and all that.

So today The Armchair Assassins (or at least one half of the AA) is thanking FOX. WELL DONE FOX NETWORK!

That sounded quite weird didn’t it? When was the last time anyone actually said well done to FOX? 20th Century Fox, the network that cancelled Family Guy after 3 seasons only to re commission it due to viewer backlash and ridiculously good DVD sales. 20th Century Fox, the network that cancelled critically acclaimed Arrested Development (again after 3 seasons) only to bring it back years later in movie format because fans were STILL demanding it be brought back.

When have FOX ever done anything right? Well despite their previous misgivings and idiocies, they have finally done something right over there… They’ve decided to give fans favorite Fringe the final season it deserves. Hurrah!

Not many people watch Fringe, Not many at all which is a crying shame because it’s a cracking show. But for us 1.2m who tune in around the world we get to enjoy 12 final episodes!

It’s not the full season we would have liked but considering the show makes hardly any money I’m pretty pleased! 12 episodes means we won’t be left wondering what will become of our favorite characters and storylines won’t be left hanging. Every loose end will get nicely tied up.

Probably my favorite thing about Fringe is that it doesn’t cater to newcomers, which thinking about it is most probably its downfall too. If you haven’t been watching since at least season 2 then don’t bother tuning in you wont have a clue what’s going on. Yeah you maybe able to watch the odd episode but like X files before it, there’s an important back-story which is much more interesting then the whole ‘monster of the week’ thing. Also the characters are warm, funny and friendly. Every week it’s like catching up with old friends.

The other good news is that with a final 12 episodes being commissioned, Fringe will be at around 100 episodes meaning syndication is on the cards! So for all those who have decided to give Fringe a miss this time around can catch it some other time. Because trust me, you are missing out.

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