Sunday 17 June 2012

TOWIM - Predictable and Dull... As Usual.

Jean-Paul Sartre famously wrote 'hell is other people' if he'd stuck around for another thirty years, or so, he might have scribbled that out and revised it to hell is the TOWIE crowd in Marbella. I foolishly thought The Only Way Is Marbs might be a jolly jaunt, as our confederacy of dunces left the cosy confines of Essex for pastures, sort of, new. But sadly this was more of the same only duller. What on Earth did you expect? I can hear you all shout. 

It seems the way to enjoy yourself is to repeatedly shout the name of the destination you are going to. So we had Arg, Joey, and numerous others all chanting Marbella, Marbella, Marbella and it seemed to work, because it magically provided them with large villas and endless parties. So that's a good trick to try next time you have that midweek break to Margate. Obviously we were not privy to all their exploits, it sort of spoils the facade that these are average people if we see them mobbed and smiling for a million photos. But it was hinted at as Arg commented that some foundation on his black, satin sheets was from, 'a blond from Bournemouth'. The  major story line was Mario's proposal to Lucy on board a luxury (ish) yacht.  There was, as you would expect, tears as the sun slowly set. The show's set piece was a spray party, I'm not sure what it was either, but everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. 

The episode concluded, as most do, with Gemma yelling at someone, this time Arg, who, as the years have gone by, has transformed from sensible (ish) friend to show buffoon. Well Gemma gave him, her customary, loud mouthful and strutted off. What will happen next we all gasped as the curtain came down on another series; will we be able to contain our excitement until the next batch rolls along in about ten days?


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