Thursday 21 June 2012

Anger Management - The Return of the Sheen.

So I can't be the only one excited for Charlie Sheens new show 'Anger Management' can I? Already picked  for a second season, before the first episode has even aired it seems that we may have a gem of a show on our hands and god do we need it after the disaster which was season 10 of Two and a Half Men.

I don't think any of us thought we'd miss Charlie as much as we did when he was sacked by Lorre but the predictable and horrendous casting of Ashton Kutcher, the terrible writing, the casting of Big Suze, the demise of Alans character and the lack of Jake has made Two and a Half men, well, half a show.

Who knows maybe all the hype around Anger Management is just that, hype. Hollywood loves a comeback and no one has fallen quite as fast and heavily as Sheen did so surely everyone will want his rise will be meteoric. But one thing we do know is it wasn't the writing which made 2.5 men great it really was Charlie and the dynamic he shared with Jon Cryer. If he can recreate even a bit of that chemistry with Selma Blair then surely the show has to be good right? Plus with any Sheen show we get the bonus of having a Martin Sheen episode and a Denise Richards show and any 2.5 men fan will remember these being some of the best episodes.

I for one can't wait. I miss having Charlie Sheen in my life. I'm sad I can no longer watch Men any more but hopefully Anger Management will fill the gap nicely. I just have one question has any UK broadcaster had the foresight to pick it up yet or will we be (for perception purposes) Anger Management-less? 

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