Monday 24 September 2012

Dallas - Snidey and Brilliant.

Who would have thought the new Dallas would be so good. Certainly not me, but it really has got out out of the starting blocks quicker than Usain Bolt. 

All the talk of a new hot, sexy cast was obviously a smokescreen, because the show still revolves around JR and Bobby. I suppose it is to our advantage, probably not theirs, that we haven't seen much of Larry Hagman and Patrick Duffy since the original series ended. It makes you feel like they have been continuing their feud over the last twenty years or so. Sue Ellen hasn't had much to do yet, but I'm sure they have plans for her. The young Ewing's are also coming up to scratch. Josh Henderson as John Ross is so supremely snidey that he wouldn't be out of place in The Borgias but then he isn't alone, there are so many snides in Dallas, that the snide filter on my TV exploded so now that means Piers Morgan will start popping up I suppose. But lording it over this hive of snides is JR. Larry Hagman, who I feared might not be up to it, has proved me gloriously wrong and with every quip, grin and eyebrow enforced, glare has taken us back to the glory days. We even had Cliff Barnes returning this week, looking like a wizened old wizard, but the age thing is a big factor in the show, because no matter how the young bucks prance around it is the old guard that still rule the roost. 

With less characters, and story lines, than the original run, Dallas has a seriousness that makes its main competitor Revenge look like The Tweenies. A while back there was talk of a film with Brad Pitt and John Travolta, but you knew that would never come to pass, we probably would've ended with Jack Black and Seth Rogan in some lame spoof and we would never have seen the glory of this return.


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